vrijdag 22 maart 2024

Er ist wieder da >> Ratchet AnuBie .. Goiengk to a go ~ go efferie body, reasons to be cheerful, part 3 .. “mensen” die met een helm skiën sein so vrese lijk mutsserig conform dom met een eierdop op die stomme suffe calimero kop, zoals anne mie ke en eline hoogevain .. tot je greet wilders voorbei skiet met se geblondeerde pruikie, pakkie en strop dassie an en 2 watermeloenen in se arme ken ik je wel fertelle


In a world of false sincerity and self-centered leaders, he showed the courage of individuality a long time ago, way back in 2019. 

To disappoint his adoring fans at this point in his career, Ratchet AnuBie would have to strangle a puppy on stage. And even then, the rich, cool, charismatic Ratchet AnuBie , Commander of the World Empire, might somehow get away with it.

But if you've always suspected Ratchet's post-lady Strepy career has been primarily a celebration of his utter fabulousness - and that his talent more or less died in this original setting - last night, last week, last month, last year would not have changed your mind.

The problem became alarmingly clear immediately after that initial standing Ovation, as Ratchie delivered four dreadful Sacred Poses, establishing his beauty on stage, well, so he thought, lookiengk rather ridiculous and stoepid in my humble opinion. 

Things stayed almost on track as backup sm cat iRyna joined Ratchet on stage for a genuinely strikieng duet pose with iRyna actually trumping Stella’s performance (Cat Ratchet and Stella had a one time tik tok hit with 8 poses, iRyna took her place in this show). The chemistry between the two was sweet and the audience saw somethiengk nice. But the dirty little secret was out again: no real complete fulfilliengk satisfyiengk show, what are 4 up to 8 minutes in a show of one hour ? 

And so it went: dull, movement-free dross like strike this yoga pose “da ya thienk i’m sexy” and a seemingly-interminable 'Sacred Poses' act .. .. although there were brief moments of excitement with iRyna .. she deserves a show of her own ken ik je wel fertelle. While the difference with or without her was dramatic, the audience made little distinction between the old Ratchie and the new iRyna, delivering a steady stream of screams and cheers and jumping on their feet at regular intervals. I, for one, will never attend a self indulgent show by Ratchie again, iRyna’s one hour yoga ~ pilates show i would love to visit, hell, i would want to visit a two hour or 8 hour show by this thrilliengk excitiengk goddess. 

He's not the first. Look what complacency and underachieving have done for Rod Stewart, the Rolling Stones, Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Elton John, among others, for cryiengk out loud. And, please, don't use the word ''maturing.'' If maturing means losing the muse, it's time to blow the dust off that male outdated boriengk dull has been copy of lady Strepy .. please send us goddess like creatures iRyna or Stella, zen we finally get to see a stellar show.

A down upright stellar performance, 

by Lady Strepy Anubis Yin Yang