vrijdag 22 maart 2024

“What ‘ s thies then ?!” “Today we serve a cow’s tongue for your daily dinner, sir.” “Yek, i cannot stand somethiengk that has been in zie mouth of an animal, pleaze serve me an egg”, in an uptown Hilton restaurant, Brussels, by Ratchet Anubie


Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Not taking this sinful greedy animal farm pig shit world as it is,
Trusting that we might make all things right; 
That I may be reasonably happy in this life .. happy, happy, happy ass zie exile, a castaway, let me mourn, forlorn, in a world being destructed by these filthy vain greedy pigs, do not live life in denial, act, do not sleep, don’t be mute, don’t be a religious mindless zombie conformist conceited cackling prick~cunt

Wat ken mij dat nou schele, nee, eT ken me niks schele 

Geen werkgever (zijn ze nou helemaal belazerd, wie denke se wel niet dat se sein 🙀🙀☠️💀🙀🙀) werknemer meer, de woorden alleen al zijn zo fout net zoals de oneindig stupide clichés van ongelijkheid, gevangenschap, egoïsme en hebzucht uit die ijdele verwaande mammon kanker muilen